Folk remedies for worms and other parasites in the body

Folk method for parasites in the human body

How to remove worms and other parasites is paramount that everyone must know, because according to statistics, nearly 90% of our population is infected with parasites and many peopledon't even know about it. Folk remedies for parasites in the human body are an arsenal of helpful recipes and tips. And they are sometimes no less effective and safer than medicines.

Treatment of harmful parasites with folk remedies can be used as an additional remedy simultaneously with medical therapies prescribed by a doctor.

Diseases caused by parasitic worms is called helminthiasis. There are about 250 types of worms, divided into two categories:

  1. The first type is roundworm and roundworm that live in the intestine. They attach to the intestinal wall, easily penetrate the brain, ears, lungs, eyes and liver, causing significant harm to health.
  2. The second type is the tapeworm and the tapeworm, they eat human blood, full of nutrients necessary for their life.

Caused by invasive worms

Knowing the most common causes of helminthiasis will help protect you and your loved ones from this nasty disease.

The parasite can enter the human body in many different ways:

  1. When in contact with soil containing worm eggs will be there along with animal and human waste. For this reason, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water after contact with soil or sand. In case of frequent contact with soil, it is best not to have long nails. If washing your hands cannot be done, use an alcohol-based hand gel.
  2. Contact with animals. Communication with stray animals or pets on the street is potentially at risk of worm infection.
  3. In the case of insufficient preparation of food. Overuse of raw or undercooked foods can also lead to helminth infections.
  4. Through water. Villagers and villagers are especially susceptible to infection by helminth eggs entering exposed water bodies. Need to boil water from wells and springs. Swimming in ponds and lakes is also very dangerous, as there is a high chance that contaminated water will enter the esophagus.
  5. When communicating with an infected person. With such contacts, there is a very high risk of pinworm infection. They lay eggs near a person's anus and cause intense itching. In an effort to get rid of the characteristic burning sensation, people began brushing the disturbed area and the parasite fell into their hands.

The presence of worms in the human body contributes to a decrease in immunity, leading to serious diseases, therefore, right from the first symptom of infection, it is necessary to treat.

Symptoms of infection

The signs of a parasitic infection are very similar to those of other diseases, but if there are 2-3 manifestations, you should contact your infectious pathologist and pass preferred tests. will help you to choose the optimal treatment method.

Symptoms of helminthiasis include:

  • high temperature;
  • liquid stools;
  • skin rash;
  • sore throat;
  • bronchitis;
  • bad breath;
  • headache;
  • poor appetite;
  • stomach cramps;
  • restless sleep;
  • poor performance;
  • grinding teeth while sleeping (teeth grinding);
  • increased irritability.

Several symptoms accompany various localized edema.

Medical treatment

The drug can give good results even with home treatment, but you should consult your doctor before use. Worm remover is highly toxic, so before deciding on how to bleach your worm, you should trust your therapist with your choice of treatment and dosage of deworming.

All drugs designed to fight parasites in the body have one downside but are substantial: they are both toxic and possibly unsafe for humans.

Traditional method

Pharmacology offers a wide range of excellent broad-spectrum drugs to tackle this delicate problem, but many still believe that traditional worm remedies are safer and more effective. Homeopathic remedies are also effective in treating helminthiasis, but we must not forget that herbs, like drugs, have their own contraindications. The effect of their use must also be agreed with the attending physician. Here are the most popular folk recipes in the fight against helminthiasis.

Popular folk remedies

  1. Wormwood is the most popular and effective remedy for worms. Boil wormwood in 25 g with boiling water and let it sit. When the grass settles to the bottom, strain the water and drink a half cup on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals. Continue the procedure for three days. Usually, this is enough for the herb to act on the worms, and if centaury is added to the broth at a 1: 1 ratio, the effect can be significantly enhanced.
  2. Bowing. Chop a medium-sized onion head, pour 1 liter of cold water, keep in the refrigerator for 10 hours, then filter through cheesecloth and drink 100 g, twice a day;
  3. Garlic. Boil 50-60 g of fresh garlic in 200 ml milk for 15 minutes. Drink 4 times a day for a week before meals. This is a good way to control pinworms.
  4. Pomegranate bark. Crush the product, add water at the ratio of 1: 10, boil, drink three times a day.
  5. Sorrel. 1 kg of Sorrel Pour into 1 liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for one hour.
  6. Hot red chili. Good resistance to parasites. For children, we can recommend carrots - they have the same properties.
  7. Tansy. Heat the flowers with a cup of boiling water, let sit for 4 hours, drain. Drink 25 ml four times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  8. Troichetka. Mix 50 g of clove seed, 25 g of sage and 100 g of tamarind flower, and ground into powder. The reception is done in the following order. The first day - 1 time before meals 30 minutes (1 teaspoon of flour with water). Day two - 2 times in the same way. Day three - follow the same plan, just three times a day. Troychatka is contraindicated for pregnant women with gastric ulcer, gastritis.
  9. Stinging nettle. Stinging nettle (200 g) collected in May, poured 0. 5 liters of vodka. Tie the neck of the bottle with a gauze pad or rag. Store the tincture on the window for the first day, and for the remaining 8 days in the dark. Filter, squeeze water, drink 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon each time on an empty stomach. Infusion of this vitamin will help the body recover more quickly after a course of anti-parasitic treatment.

Wormwood, onions and garlic are the most effective and affordable folk remedies for worms.

Other botanical therapies

  1. Cilantro. The seeds must be thoroughly heated in a dry pan, ground in a coffee grinder. Drink 1 g 3 times a day.
  2. Watermelon seeds with milk. Crush the seeds, add milk at the ratio of 1: 10, drink 250 ml twice a day.
  3. Pine nuts. Consume 50-100 g per day for 2 months. During this period, meat products and animal fats should not be eaten.
  4. Green pine. Wash product, add water and keep heat for 6 hours. Then remove it from the water, add sugar to the liquid and boil for 1 hour. Drink broth in the morning, before breakfast, 2 tbsp.
  5. Mulberry. Brewed like tea. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.
  6. Cognac and garlic. Mix 400 g garlic and half a liter of brandy. Hit a dark place for 3 weeks. Drink 1 teaspoon in the morning for 2 months.
  7. Damn it. Chop the base, mix with sour cream, mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Eat in the morning and in the evening with 1 teaspoon. 5-day course. A good remedy for giardia. As a precaution, use for 2 days in the spring and fall.
  8. Birch buds. Take 10 g of kidney and 100 g of wine as base. Press for 2 weeks, filter with a sieve, squeeze. Drink 15-20 drops before meals. It helps fight small worms. Restores the liver and stomach.
  9. Ginger. It is possible to make alcohol from this product. Crush 500 g of roots on a fine extractor, add half a liter of vodka and let stand for 2 weeks in a dark place. Drink tincture 2 weeks 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

Antiparasitic Enema

This is the safest method and almost eliminates side effects.

  1. Baking soda enema. For 1 liter of warm water, add and mix 30 g of baking soda, make an enema and keep the liquid inside the intestines for 30 minutes. Then, do another douche for cleaning, but no baking soda.
  2. Garlic headache. Crush 50 g of garlic, add 250 ml of warm water, filter and go through the process. Take laxatives regularly.
Bath herbs that treat parasites

Parasites Bath

A parasitic bath is another traditional way of dealing with worms. It will partly help eliminate parasites. For an adult, you can prepare a bath water from a rich mixture of thyme, nettle, wormwood, chamomile, caraway, and Thiem. This bath works through the skin. As soon as the parasite begins to appear, it is necessary to cover the skin with flour so that the worms do not climb again and use a sponge to remove them.

Special devices to remove helminth entry

You can now find worm killers in specialty stores in specialty stores. Whether or not to use them is personal to everyone. However, there are a few facts about such devices that need careful consideration:

  1. The devices only kill the adult, while cysts and larvae remain, meaning the parasite will begin to reproduce again.
  2. The dead parasite must be removed from the body as soon as possible so as not to get drunk. Devices do not have this function.
  3. Worms that damage internal organs need to be restored after removing the parasite. The devices also cannot cope with a similar task.
  4. These technical devices are still not well understood - it is not known how their radiation affects human organs and blood cells.
Causes of the parasite in children

Worms in children

Children are more susceptible to these unpleasant diseases than adults. Infants do not have enough hygiene skills and adults are responsible for teaching all of these. Children should understand that:

  • you cannot sit at the table if your hands are not washed;
  • need to take a shower after going to the street and going to the bathroom;
  • you can only drink water or boil;
  • prohibits eating dirty vegetables and fruits;
  • should not take foreign bodies from your mouth, suck your fingers and bite your nails;
  • don't touch street animals;
  • does not need to use other people's personal hygiene products.

To prevent disease, you can feed your child carrots, pumpkin seeds, onions and garlic.

But what if the baby is infected with worms? First of all, don't self-medicate! Only a specialist can make the right treatment options. Folk remedies can only be used if the child is allergic to the drug and is under the close supervision of a doctor.

If your baby has the following symptoms here are serious reasons to see a doctor:

  • decreased cravings or, conversely, constant hunger;
  • throbbing pain around the navel;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • pale skin, blue under eyes;
  • the appearance of dermatitis or maculopapular lesions;
  • insomnia.

However, only a third of children infected with the parasite experience certain symptoms, the rest of the presence of worms may not be accompanied by any signs. If you suspect that your child is infected with helminths, they should be examined.

How to worm a child? To do this, you need to do the following therapy in 3 phases:

  1. First, you need to prepare your body to get rid of the parasite. For this, pumpkin or flaxseed oil, intestinal adsorbent, bile is used.
  2. Then the doctor prescribed a broad spectrum helminth bleach. They can be both medicinal and more gentle on the basis of herbal ingredients.
  3. The drug is used to restore the digestive system, liver, lungs, increase immunity, as well as saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements.


It should be understood that the fight against parasites is a long process, requiring the patient not to arbitrarily take the drug and strictly following all prescription and recommendation of a specialist. At the same time, medicine is not standing still, and new developments appear to help eliminate parasites in the body quickly and safely.