How to determine the presence of parasites in the human body

Alas, insurance against infection with worms does not yet exist, and it is very important to detect their presence in your body in time. Having a blood test for parasites is certain, but not the only way to find out the presence of foreign microorganisms in the body. How to know for sure whether the parasite has settled in the body or not? Your own biomaterial will help in this: urine, feces and blood; and modern medical equipment.

The main signs of the appearance of worms and the types of analysis to detect them

Unfortunately, helminths enter the human body without warning the host about their entry. That is why it is important to understand how to determine the presence of parasites in the body. First of all, you need to listen to yourself, because, as a rule, the body itself will tell you about the appearance of uninvited guests.

The main signs of the place of residence of worms in the body:

  • constant difficulties with emptying - frequent constipation, accompanied by the release of a large amount of gas;
  • frequent diarrhea with acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sleep disorders: drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
  • frequent headaches and muscle aches;
  • anal itching;
  • grinding teeth at night;
  • lack of satiety with food and increased appetite;
  • persistent bouts of apathy and depression.

If you have at least one or two symptoms of the presence of parasites, you should immediately consult a doctor. The infectious disease specialist who previously interviewed the patient will order the necessary helminth test. Patients can perform biological analysis to find parasites or rely on modern medical technology. The diagnosis of parasites in the body includes urine and stool tests, blood tests, probing for parasites, and to detect parasites, hardware methods are used: ultrasound, imaging. X-ray and computer diagnostics.

stomachache with parasites

How tests are done to identify worms

Initially, an initial survey of the patient was performed to identify symptoms associated with parasites. The survey was necessary to obtain the following data: duration of illness, nature and intensity of pain, frequency of fever, altered characteristics of appetite and sleep. At this stage, the main condition is the frankness of the patient. A good therapist can, by describing the symptoms, determine the source of the infection, conclude which worms live inside the patient, and recommend appropriate tests for parasites.

Types of studies to identify worms:

  1. Analyze stool for parasites. Doctors are primarily concerned with human feces, as stool samples can show the presence of worm eggs in them. If the parasitic helminth has not yet had time to produce offspring in the form of eggs, then an analysis of helminthiasis, also known in medicine as helminthic scraping, will help determine its presence. This method allows you to identify pinworms - the most common protozoan, the elements of which remain on the skin of the anus. People who have these white worms in their bodies at the beginning of life often go to the doctor saying, "My anus itch, " and as a rule, an immediate shave allows you to diagnose the cause of the itching. . To clarify the diagnosis, the patient will be asked to donate blood because of the presence of parasites.
  2. Blood test for parasites. Even detailed stool analysis is less informative in terms of information content than a proven method - the parasite enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which has a different definition inmedicine: serological analysis of serum for the presence of parasites. ELISA analysis not only determines the existence of worms in the body, but also indicates their number with 90% accuracy.

Another proven method of diagnosis - hemotest, using a drop of blood from a finger, allows you to see the whole world of helminths that live in the body. If the preliminary diagnosis implies the residence of the human roundworm, then in addition to the ELISA analysis, you will need to donate blood for antibodies.

Diagnosing parasitic diseases may require not only blood tests for parasites, but also specialized instruments for more accurate parasite detection.

Parasite diagnostic calculator

Many people are interested: is it possible to see worms with their own eyes? You can see the parasite through a monitor on an ultrasound or X-ray image. In addition, bio-contamination diagnostics records in computer memory a detailed image of the parasite in the human body.

Types of parasite diagnostic calculators:

  • Diagnostic Bioresonance is the latest method to detect parasites in adults. The device oscillations will accurately indicate that there are parasites in the body and will establish where they gather.
  • The Vega test is a German electroacupuncture method for the detection of helminthiasis. With the help of hand vegetative testing, even microscopic helminth larvae can be detected.
  • Duodenal probe for parasites - extracts biological material through the probe, allowing you to check for parasites in the most vulnerable part of the body - the gastrointestinal tract.

The second method requires the body to be prepared for exploration, so this procedure is done exclusively in a hospital. But to pass the tests for parasites, no special preparation is required. The only things that may be required are not to eat before donating blood for parasites, and not to shower before a stool test.

You can see both public and private clinics. Most importantly, research to identify parasites, as well as diagnosis and treatment, should be entrusted to the physician. No need to try to solve the problem alone, how to identify parasites, so as not to fall victim to any dietary supplement. Only a doctor can understand what tests will tell with absolute accuracy whether there are parasites in the body! Patients should not guess to recognize the presence of unpleasant tenants, but should check in time and take the time to donate blood to find parasites in time.